After recently installing the Power Auras addon last week, I've been seriously reconsidering my in-game GUI. What is working, what is not working. Relavent Addons: PowerAuras is working nicely to help track my spell rotation, warn if my warlock armor has dropped and remind me to set up the food and flask buffs. Bartender has helped me put more buttons on the screen. As a destruction warlock, I rotate through 5 spells regularly, then have several emergency fillers for when the need arises (AOE, fear, death coil, curses). Bartender let me define 6 different bars for these purposes (healing bar - pots, healthstone, bandages; regular items - hearth, mount). In addition, I can define the column/row size, button size and when they show up. XPerl reformats the player information bars, allowing me to define where I would like to have my target, focus and raid information show. OPie expands the available buttons by adding a popup menu available via keystrokes. ALT+D displays all my warloc