Happy 2021 - Throne of the Lich King

Shadowlands is upon us and I have exactly 1 max level characters. I would love to play some of my many other characters, but I don't feel capable until I get my first hunter's legendary created. Sadly the two "memories" that are considered BIS for BM hunters drop randomly from a dungeon. Update: I was finally able to grab a memory by running a M+7 Spires of Ascencion with friends. The legendary creation tool is very novel. Pick a gear slot, combine with 1 ability, add 2 secondary stats, stir in a base item and some ash for glue and you have an i200 piece of gear! I feel so behind the curve in gear and story plot. I played the opening slowly, now I feel 'everyone' is completing content several levels harder than I could successfully attempt. Torghast Layer 3 feels like a struggle that I barely completed. Torghast - RNG dungeon layout with RNG powerups sprinkled throughout. LFR Castle Nathria's first 3 bosses are interesting. Some new mechanics. Gearin...