Picking a Class to Boost??
I love this list that WoWJuJu has put together reviewing all the various classes and if you should/n't boost it to 90. Warlocks, never loved, but often envied. I hadn't thought about DK, but you start at 55, so leveling to 60 would have taken a heck of a lot less time. Why should I choose a Death Knight? It starts from level 55. You can get to level 60 pretty fast, pick your desired professions and the boost feature will boost those professions to max as well. You can use the character as DPS but you can also tank and if you want to use Looking for Dungeon/Raid feature, as a tank you’ll spend less time in the queue. A Death Knight pretty great at soloing stuff and it had some great survivability abilities. Any Race (except Pandarens) can be a Death Knight. Why shouldn’t I pick a Death Knight? You have to have at least one more character on your account at or above level 55. The resource system might be a bit unusual for a beginner. You can not use the Death K