Post 701 - My 9 Year WoW Anniversary & Where I do a little reminiscing.
Joralin - my 1st toon - now sporting some heirloom gear. Still level 12. October 7, 2006 - 6 months after my second child is born, I accept a 10-day free play pass from a co-worker saying "You should play, we can go do ___ this and that together. They'll be launching a new expansion soon...". I logon that night, and he takes me through level 1 in the human starting area. On the 18th, I plop down the credit card, and start paying into my little bit of Blizzard. About a week later, that human paladin stalls at level 12. My friends have gone and swapped servers and factions so I follow. Elkagorasa the warlock is born. It takes me almost a full year until I level up to 60. Dad with a 3 year old, 6 month old and just don't have enough time (or pull with my wife) to raid when my guild does. I'd LOVE to, but that doesn't happen for a few more years. In the meantime, I run dungeons with them (being dragged through vanilla content is more like it). My big a