MoP Warlock Destro Play Changes
Back in Wrath, I converted from my beloved Affliction to Destruction. As with many, I jumped when running Wrath dungeons was just too painful due to the slow ramp up DOT DPS and tanks wanting to go light-speed through. From what I remember from Wrath, play-style was rather monotonous: Curse, Corruption, Immolate, Conflagerate, (backdraft), Incinerate(x3), Chaos Bolt, repeat. Panda introduces some differences, maybe. My, oh my, I am actually on fire! Burning Embers triggered. First off, a new resource. Destro works with Burning Embers . You create a burning ember each time you cast Incinerate (or Fel Flame, they all like Fel Flame. You asked for Green Fire, now cast it on every time/mob!). On the training dummies, I am getting 2 Incinerates = 1 burning ember, it takes 1 ember to cast Chaos Bolt. So not really a huge change to your rotation. With some exceptions... (I am guessing that the GUI is broken, because I can't tell when I have embers, except for when Chaos B