It's Like Championing...
PVP "Ninja" Priest mog |
With 5.1, Blizzard introduced the Grand Commendation of ____. This wonderful little perk basically doubles your rep gain for each thing you do for a group. I grabbed the commendation of the Tillers when I hit revered on Monday. I've managed to do the dailies about 3 of the 5 days this week and have managed to complete 97% of the way to Exalted already. Complete the dailies still in my queue from last night and I should be exalted by the end!!
Point? I still need Dominance Offense rep. I still hate the dailies in that zone. I manage to die at least once a day due to an over-pull of mobs. There's just not enough people in that area killing the same thing to keep the populations down. I am hoping that the new 'work order' mechanic will help me increase my rep with DO faster.
- +400 rep from work order
- +300 rep from daily dungeon run
- +200 rep from daily scenario run
In other news, I have seen Terrace of Endless Spring twice now. The Big Nash video was helpful, if for nothing other than to see the fights before hand. I would agree with him, these are some fun fights. From a DPS perspective, it's not obvious that there's a heal phase during Tsulong. More of a DPS adds, vs DPS boss fight. Last night my fourth tier token dropped and I now have a full 4-piece tier 14 set.

Speaking of Thunder Island. How's the opening of the island going on your server? Malfurion has opened up the second new zone. I have 2 quests to turn into Scout Captain Elsia. I can't find her. I see the quest giver ?, but no shadow zone, no tunnel. I think she may be phased. On the wall? Oh, nm, from these comments, I see she is under a bubble AND on the wall.
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