Warcraft Backgrounds
For the last few weeks, I have been enjoying the Blizzard Warcraft themed backgrounds. I went so far as to create an automated script to pull them down each day from the WorldofWarcraft web page. Putting this in either my Startup, or as a group policy on logon makes it so I never worry about getting the latest background.
This Month, Blizzard has slightly improved their wallpaper. Simple, but cool, the background includes a basic holiday calendar. Sundays stand-out in a different color, and then it lists each of the in-game holidays (Lunar Festival and Valentines).
Speaking of Valentines, it looks like they may be expanding the holiday a little. There some speculation around the quest "Something is in the Air (and it Ain't Love)". I would guess, maybe heading back into Naxx Plague wing, but??

Speaking of Valentines, it looks like they may be expanding the holiday a little. There some speculation around the quest "Something is in the Air (and it Ain't Love)". I would guess, maybe heading back into Naxx Plague wing, but??
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