I call myself a casual player. I do not belong to a dedicated raiding guild. I don't plan days of the week I'll play. I seldom play during the sunlight of the day. As my tag says, I am a Dad/Husband first, then work, then WoW. My enjoyable diversion while my family sleeps. Being casual has advantages. There are no expectations on timing. I play when I want, as long as I want. If I feel like doing PVP, heroic dailies or simply questing one day, I can. Chat with guildies, life is grand. With my current guild ( OOT ), comprises mostly of friends' alts and a few lingering primaries like myself. These friends have gone on to a dedicated raiding group, hitting ICC 2-4 times a week, sometimes in both 10/25 man content. Depending on the night, sometimes they can't fill their DPS ranks and I fill in . I have spent enough time and effort acquiring badges, that I have fairly decent gear. While I don't have experience with many of the bosses, I can typically fake it pretty