Thank you for playing World of Workcraft!
Welcome noob, er, Student Assistant Elkagorasa! Your enthusiasm to defend the Help Desk from invading customer calls is noble. Please find your seat in cubicle space 2. You shall answer and close 200 calls with no customer complaints. orc laughing (ding!) Congrats, man! You've been promoted to Desktop! You'll find 200 boxes on the loading dock, containing brand-new workstations and monitors. Assemble and install the corporate desktop image on all 100 PCs before the end of the week. Yes, I know it's Wednesday at 5PM, you have a problem with that? Yeah, dropping my daughter off at elementary school this morning, she wished me fun on my World of Work craft! Like I can actually play games sitting in this cubicle farm. Geesh! At least I can blog.. So, yes, I have been playing more D3 than WoW as of late. I feel that some of the concepts implemented in D3 are easily transferable to the WoW environment. I've mentioned before, that I see how a very simplified ta