Warlock Legion Week 1

Legion is upon us. Only took me three days to finally login. I started on my main, Elkagorasa, and spent about an hour to go through the artifact weapon quest chain and settle his class hall. It wasn't bad, or hard like the green the chain. In fact, it was a quaint bit of lore. My biggest complaint is that I had a human disc priest helping me out, casting his healing bubbles on me for some big fights. But then, he deserts me on the boss fight, causing me to wipe twice on that fight. The warlock class hall is a major let down. I know that Blizzard said it was going to be dh prison world, but really? So, can I take any of these demons with me as a body guard? No. Can I change my demons names with one there already? No. Can I learn vanity glyphs that allowed my pony to run on water?! No. BTW my druid CAN pickup a spell to CHANGE HER travel form.. Gearing has been relatively easy. Went from. 704 post pre-expansion to 718 before leaving first q...