
Showing posts from August, 2012

I am a Priest, sort of.

I am reading through Wowhead's review of the changes and found that Blood Pact now applies a stam buff. So what are Priests going to do in groups with Warlocks? I doubt it stacks to get 20% stam increase! I am also looking forward to my tundra mammoth for raiding and dungeons on my other toons. Hmm, running around questing with 2 friends and my mammoth! Great way to get from 10 on.. If you haven't yet, check out WowCrendor's run through of Scholo and Scarlet Monastery. The simplifications to the 'maze' of scholo and the complexity of 4 different entrances in SM are gone. Definitely going to make running Headless a bit different now that the graveyard is populated with flame-thrower wielding npcs.

Have you considered pre-leveling?

taking a break from PVP With Panda's expansion date looming on the horizon, have you considered doing some questing? On my priest, have done very little questing in the cataclysm zones. I think, maybe about 50 quests combined. Sure, no Exalted rep with Therazane, but when you can throw on PVP enchants for ALMOST as good, who cares?? Back to my point, the MOP expansion is a month away. I am thinking about finding about 2-3 dozen quests that I hadn't finished and do everything UP TO turning them in. When the level cap is increased, I'll run around to the quest givers and turn in. With all our rested bonus, I'd bet I will get 1, maybe 2, bubbles towards 86.

Count down to Pandas..

Just a little over a month remains until the Mists of Pandera expansion is released and it's time to start getting ready. Step 1 : Remove/Uninstall outdated add-ons. I just went through my Curse client and uninstalled every addon from my interface that hasn't been updated in over a year. Friends with Benefits , Gone. TBag , Gone. I easily did this by adding the "Latest Date" column to the interface, sorted by this column then just scanned down for older items. I left a few addons that I am fairly sure will be updated, like Addon Control Panel . Curse has a nice section of add ons that work with the Panda beta. Take a look . Maybe it's time to start replacing those really old middle-ground addons with something new?? Step 2: Empty mailbox.  Blizzard hasn't handled mailbox items well several times. Making sure that the mailbox is empty before each patch isn't a bad idea. Right before my last logon, I had put bids on a bunch of disenchant prospects