Last weekend, Elk got a case of the 'been there, done thats". After running my daily heroic on Saturday night, I decided it was time to fire up my Discipline Priest alt again. She hasn't gotten any game play since 4.01 dropped. To top it off, OOT had reached Guild level 10, and now she can run with the (BOA) Ancient Bloodmoon Cloak , for an additional +5% xp. (so that's +10% chest , +10% shoulders , +5% cloak, +5% guild perk = +30% xp for each kill!). Since, I haven't played a healer in quite some time, I figured, what better than a BG; quick queue time and no punishment for letting people die. I ran three back to back BGs and found the experience bordering on dreadful. As Cynwise pointed out there's a new add-on out there and it's targeting healers. At several points, I found myself surrounded by not 1 or 2, but sometimes 4 or 5 people all trying to kill me. The worst experience was during a 30 minute long Arathi Basin. Luckily near the end, aka demis