Topic 19: Picking a character name
Why not . I miss the old topic of the week. Topic 19 is to break down how you picked the names of your characters. I don't have that many, so, I am going to cheat a little here.. I have basically 2 naming processes, either: They 'starts with E' Elkagorasa - "Elk-A-Gore-Asa" Name that stuck with all these years. Here's how .. Eride - "Arrid-ay" After realizing that most raid/dungeon chat didn't something long to type " elka, um, elk, uh, e.." I opted for something really short for my third character, plus it pulls directly from my RL name. Esha - Even shorter than Eride. Liked the name for a troll druid. Her alliance twin shares her name . Erknea - "Ernie-ah" My cataclysm created goblin. I wanted something silly to go with a short-stature, "knee high" goblin. Ernie turned into Erknea. Erlenmyer - alliance dwarf hunter - also misspelling of erlenmeyer (flask). All his hunter pets are science tools