
Showing posts from November, 2013

Sparkle Pony Needs a Best Friend!

Now on the Blizzard store! I think for the $5 (more) donation to Make-A-Wish (heck they helped BatKid) , I'll probably just get the combo of both this mount and the new pet .

Why the LFR Animosity?

Reading the post by Karpa , My point is I know a lot hate this feature but personally I am grateful for it. Sure I would love to raid with a guild again, but time is an issue lately and I don't want to fully commit. LFR is a nice feature for me overall. I am probably in the minority but just wanted to say anyway. and I get what he says. Last night, I am healing on my Disc Priest, and we've wiped 3 times on Malkorok . Sure, the ranged dps aren't all jumping in the purple zones causing a lot of aoe damage, but no one ever explained this to the raid. Instead I see in chat comments like "UR all LFR tards" and "kick all &@*# low dps!". Really?!? If people really hate this feature, I mean, so much to start calling names and cussing out the group, then why are they running it? Hmmm? As DPS, I queue up for all four SoO LFRs and can typically get into one fight within half an hour; sometimes even less. That means there are at least 24 other people with m

Thoughts on Warlords Instant 90 Toon Option

One of the aspects of the upcoming expansion that Blizzard announced was allowing you to boost a single alt all the way to 90 instantly. See, looking back, I've always envied the hybrid classes. First off, the DPS queue. Typically this can be anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour in order to get into phased content (i.e. dungeon / LFR). As a warlock, there is no option to flip to heals or tank in order to get into a faster queue. Second, questing. My disc priest hates questing because fighting mobs takes forever. Often she'll end the fight a full health, but cannot deal with multiple mobs. Sure, she could  go shadow, but I just don't have the shadow groove (haven't played affliction in a LONG time), so it tends to be a lot of senseless dying and corpse runs. Druid  - Paladin - Monk  (um, why doesn't Hearthstone have a Monk hero?). Druid has fun advantages . First off, flight form. I'd suppose that this level 90 will have already completed the quests(?) nec

LFR Downfall DPS Guide

Downfall - last section of the Siege of Orgrimmar raid. Siegecrafter Blackfuse This boss is the 'get out of the ____' boss. You need to be ready to constantly move out of something before it smashes you. There is a conveyor belt that brings in new weapons. These get fired into the raid party and do various explosions (like a good goblin should). Bombs that crash down. Causes 'ripples' that come out in waves from boss. Watch for circle on ground and get out of it. Then watch as ripples (like the Terrace of Endless Spring ' Protectors ' boss) of rock come off boss. Dance around ring. Saw blades - thrown from boss and will sit there and spin. Move! Magnets that draw you towards conveyor (wind of Lei Shen, run and instant cast). Ring of fire that expands.  Bombs that target you and then blow up. Target it and DPS. If you can avoid all that, just dps boss! Paragons of the Klaxxi Garrosh Hellscream  - IMHO, Garrosh is a fun fight. For a w

Blizzcon: Hearthstone Panel

From the Blizzcon Virtual Ticket, this was probably the most interesting panel to watch. The panel included a lot of development information about how they made the game and concepts going into it. Personally, the Elite Tauren Chieftain entrance was enough to sell me. Here is my notes from the panel. General: Game developed from announcement to release within a single year.  Blizzard change of pace. Using a small 'elite' team to develop game, only 15 people on dev team.  "Focused" - Trying to get game released. PVP play only at first, add expansions to include new content. Easy to start, "accessible for everyone"- Beginners should be able to read card and understand immediately what will happen. Card like Hellfire used as example in that it damages ALL cards. Now card text says "ALL" in caps to help explain. Complex, "keep it deep"  enough that layering card play makes for some interesting combinations. There could be val

LFR Underhold DPS Guide

Malkorok  - Easy fight, but healing works backwards. It's as if during the portion of fight your character has a Disc Priest Spirit Shell . You can't be healed, but healers maintain a shield on you. Phase 2 you can be healed, but it's only for 20 seconds. Phase 1 Avoid unnecessary damage. Hop into purple void zones to soak damage. Watch out for smash zone. Phase 2, stack (for AOE heals) and attack.  Spoils of Pandaria  - A storehouse of various items from Panderia.  Opening crates releases the monsters within (mantid or mogu). As ranged DPS, most we want to stay back and AOE.  Hop into the red circles that drop on ground.  If you get a bomb strapped to you, drop them away from the raid, before you blow up. Thok the Bloodthirsty  - Thok is a 10 story tall dinosaur (flashes back to Un'goro crater) and being stomped upon by that beast. Now, Thok is just a prisoner here. He's trapped in a zoo/jail surrounded by other animals from around

Blizzcon: Warlords of Draenor Comments

Friday morning, I finally gave in and bought a Blizzcon Virtual Ticket . $40 seemed like a lot when initially looking at the line-up, but I've never done it before. So, sit down at work, and try to catch up on what's going on. Unfortunately to watch the live-stream, I can only watch on a laptop that isn't able to keep up. It keeps timing out on the download and .... is like wa...tching a...really ba...d stutter.  Bleh! Then I noticed that the downloader is trying to download a WoW update on this laptop. Oh! pause that.. Get it working early enough to watch the Hearthstone panel. Very interesting, but more on that later. Warlocks Warlords of Draenor The new expansion has been revealed. A bit of a time-travel piece where we go back to the start of the Orcs and prevent negative influence. Tell me, do you want spoilers (from the panel)?? New world , nice - sounds a lot like Northrend with a PVP zone. Build a garrison - guess we got our 'housing' option. Is it g

LFR Gates of Retribution DPS Guide

To follow-up on my last LFR SoO post, I thought I'd add my strategy for Gates of Retribution. Galakras - Boss is a flying proto-drake off the shores of Orgrimmar. In order to get to him, you need to shoot him down. To shoot him down, you need to open the tower defenses on each side of him. The towers are locked/guarded, and  need to be opened by goblin engineers before you can access them (watch status bar top of screen). The best run of this fight I've seen, assigned "group-1" to attack the towers, but I've also seen volunteers taken (tank, healer and dps) Tower group: Before the fight starts, I set up my gateway to that it goes from the staging area up the hillside of the first tower. Stay at staging area for (about) first 3 waves, until first mini-boss comes.  By now, the first tower (left side) should be opened. Watch for the announcement.  Drop your warlock portal at the base of the tower.  Run to top of the tower and join your tank at blowing away

Is that Reddit Blizzcon banner hints of the WoW expansion?

Thrall in battle armor or just a classic WoW screenie.. Time travel expansion? Marty McFly shows up with Doc in a giant goblin train and they try to fix the entire Garrosh incident.  Thrall forced back into leadership by loyal Horde members? Battle armor to get Korkron followers back in line.  Seat of Horde moves and Orgrimmar rebuilds. Alliance tries to infiltrate Horde while changing leadership?  Burning Crusade finds ground in Outlands and we get to explore another continent there. 

Looking for a "Lock List" Refresh

Personally, I use my linked pages on the right sidebar as my WoW news feed; coming here first to see what other warlocks are doing. Unfortunately as of late, most of the 'lock bloggers that I've been following aren't posting regularly, if at all. In fact, my current top-5 contains a weekly podcast (which happens to have a lock), a retired WoW player who seldom posts and a link to WoW Insider. Here are my current sources, filtered to the top-5 most recent posts. I would like to add to this. My Link List requirements : Minimal off-topic posts. While OT post are fine, non-Warlock posts are fine, I like to link to blogs that keep to WoW wherever possible.  G-rated! . I will not link to a website that doesn't keep it clean (no profanity, NSFW imagery, trash talk). This isn't the forums, ok?.  Ads Ok, but minimal. I understand the desire to re-coup costs via a blog, but when more than 50% of the page is an ad, you're just wasting my bandwidth.