Prot Pally Tank LFW
El Plato ElPlato@Kul Tiras-US Alliance Kul Tiras-US Protection Paladin Artifact weapon level 71 (atm, and still improving). Ashbringer is in 60's. ~933 average iLevel, with AskMrRobot approved gear set. Will have at least 1 legendary item upgraded by end of week. #19 Protection Paladin on Kul Tiras-US, per WowProgress Currently running Mythic+8/9 with 2 guild members. We think we could push 12-15 if we had last 2 dps slots filled. Objective: Complete Antorus raid on normal or better with dedicated group of players. Looking for a team who raid between 10PM and midnight PST . Positive Traits: Good humored, easy going player. Often the quiet on vent because youngest is sleeping immediately upstairs from me. Will learn fights, picks up quickly and won't stand in fire, unless it's part of mechanic (KJ). Blogger, so I am constantly researching tactics for boss fights. Not afraid of addons, including a Patreon of DBM. So interrupts, taunts and s