Elkagorasa was getting a little bored waiting for his turn. Esha-this, druid-that. Just left this 'lock bored and frustrated. So frustrated that when he finally got his chance at the Brawler's , he blasted the Bruce , then Vian , Goredome and Vishas all within a few seconds. The only thing slowing down Elk was the line. Fight, win, requeue, wait for 2 other players, repeat. 2 days later, Elk ran back to the fight hall late at night and found no one else there. Empty! Hey Boss, get me a fight! Rank 2, done. Rank 3, done. Rank 4, done... The only fight that Elk had to do twice was Ixx because he stood in front of him and his Devastating Thrust . Now he is up to Yikkan Izu . This evil bird has been the first real challenge. Sort of like the giant baby head in the Green Fire quest line, he spawn lots of adds ( 4 at a time) who do decent damage. Something I still haven't mastered on the other quest either.. This large crow thing has one annoying thing about him - add