Holiday Revamp Needed
How about a holiday revamp?
- Valentines - Jaina shows up at Thrall's house complaining about how he never visits anymore now that he's married to Aggra. We are sent in to stop the fighting.
- St. Patrick's - All gnomes are accused of hiding pots of gold under rainbows. Get rainbow generator to find the gold.
- Halloween - go sit in pumpkin patch and wait for the Great Pumpkin to appear. If you find him, he drops candy and toys for everyone.
- Ground hog day - 1 person scenario, like training grounds, where if you manage to kill the groundhog boss, he buffs you with a 'early spring' light over your head. If you don't, rain cloud follows you around for day.
- New Christmas boss - Krampus slowly bags members of your team. Wipe if you're all bagged.
- Warlords - Achievement for putting 250 strands of miniature lights on a single building in your garrison.
So, any other holiday traditions you'd like WoW to honor? How about changing out the bosses?
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